Male infertility

Male factors contribute to 40% of all infertility cases. Semen analysis is the basic examination of male fertility. If semen analysis shows fundamental deviations from normal levels, an examination by an andrologist is indicated. The diagnosis of male infertility focuses on more frequent disorders, such as testicular and epididymal abnormalities, varicocele, or abnormalities of the prostate gland and vesicular glands. An examination of the partner is necessary even if the male examination shows abnormal results.

Examination and Treatment of Male Infertility

Lifestyle factors, such as alcohol, use of anabolic steroids, or excessive sports activity, may sometimes be responsible for decreased sperm quality. Frequent saunas, hot baths, or higher temperatures can also negatively affect the scrotum by increasing its temperature. A significant number of medications can also affect spermatogenesis.

  • Medication (Hormonal) Treatment

To this day, no scientific study has shown that hormonal therapy, such as therapy with human menopausal gonadotrophin (HCG), human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), androgens, antiestrogens (clomiphen, tamoxifen ), prolactin inhibitors (bromocriptine) and steroids, leads to better chances of conceiving for men with oligoasthenoteratospermia (general abnormality of the sperm) with an unclear source. However, some primary endocrinologically based pathologies can be treated by medications.

Low testosterone levels can be an indication for testosterone therapy. Higher-than-normal testosterone levels can also negatively affect spermatogenesis. Corticosteroid therapy is sometimes used, but patients with spermatic antibodies are not treated this way because of the serious side effects and a lack of proven effectiveness.

  • Surgical Treatment


Successful surgical performance leads to an increase in sperm quality in 44% of tested men.


The MESA method combined with ICSI is indicated in the case of azoospermia (no sperm cells present in the ejaculate). If the MESA method does not prove successful in gathering sperm cells (spermatozoa) or a very small amount is gathered, a testicular sperm extraction (TESE) can be performed, and the gathered sperm can be used for IVF – ICSI.

The evolution of male infertility

According to the current criteria, a normal male has more than 15 million sperm cells in 1 ml of sperm. Sperm cell count can be lower, which decreases the chance of conceiving from sexual intercourse.

In 1938, the male’s average sperm contained 120 million/ml sperm cells. Scientific studies from 1952 show average values of only 73. 4 million/ml. Similar studies from 1972 show only 54. 4 million/ml.

Sperm quality has been decreasing very rapidly in the last decade, especially in industrial countries.

US experts are suggesting a 1. 5% decrease each year. The data also show a declining trend of male fertility in developed countries. Assisted reproduction (in-vitro fertilization, IVF), most commonly the Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) method or its modifications (IMSI, PCSI), is the most widely used treatment method in cases of infertility caused by low sperm count or quality..

Sexual Dysfunction

Ejaculation disorders

Retrograde ejaculation (backwards ejaculation) or anejaculation (inability to ejaculate) can be caused by:

  • neurological disease - prostate or urethra injury
  • antidepressant therapy

The cause of retrograde ejaculation is often undetected. The diagnosis is then determined by anamnestic and laboratory data and a urine examination after ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation can be partial - even very small amounts of ejaculate can be ejected backwards.

Retrograde ejaculation treatment is focused on the causes of the disease; sperm cells from urine after ejaculation can be used in assisted reproduction.

Anejaculation can be prevented by vibrostimulation or electroejaculation. Ejaculation can be induced in about 90% of patients with spinal cord injuries, but the sperm quality is usually low, with a small amount of motile sperm cells. This explains the low success rates of intrauterine insemination treatment of couples with anejaculation. IVF - ICSI methods are often necessary.


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Tel.: +420 737 470 924

Our offer

Kind and professional care for achieving a healthy pregnancy in a modern IVF clinic. We see every expectant mother or dad as an individual path to a new life and fulfilled happiness.

Infertility treatment

Be a happy mother. We will find the cause of infertility and establish an optimal treatment to achieve pregnancy.

Treatment methods


Get ready for a baby. We will examine you using several complex methods to diagnose and cure any problems in time.

Diagnostic methods


Avoid possible risks. We take care of the baby's health before it is born in the laboratory of reproductive genetics.

Genetic methods

More than 10,000 couples have chosen the care provided by our clinic, and we have helped more than 8,000 children into the world. We will be happy to see you at our clinic and help your happiness.