Price list of services for insured persons

Minimal stimulation or native IVF cycle + ET/ICSI – price per 1 oocyte 19.900 / 2.500 CZK

Minimal stimulation or native IVF cycle – without ET/ICSI – price per 1 oocyte 15.000 / 2.500 CZK

Minimal stimulation or native IVF cycle without oocyte retrieval 12.000 CZK

Minimal IVF stimulation – unsuccessful stimulation 6.000 CZK

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), price up to 10 oocytes 9.900 CZK

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), price per each additional oocyte 2.500 CZK

Sperm selection by MACS for IVF/ICSI 8.000 CZK

Assisted hatching (AH) 3.000 CZK

Extended embryo cultivation until the blastocyst stage, 72–120 hours (ECB) 8.000 CZK

EmbryoGlue 5.000 CZK

Sperm cryopreservation 3.000 CZK

Embryo cryopreservation (vitrification) 1–2 pellets + embryo preservation for 1 year/each additional 1 pellet 7.000 / 2.000 CZK

Annual fee for storing preserved embryos, sperm, oocytes 3.000 CZK

Cryoembryotransfer (CET) – transfer of frozen embryos 10.000 CZK

Intrauterine insemination with donor sperm (IUI-AID) 6.740 CZK


Processing a cryopreserved sample after MESA/TESE 6.000 CZK

Use of donor sperm for IVF 3.000 CZK

Complete semen analysis – health insurance client 400 CZK

Examination of the concentration of immature sperm cells in the ejaculate (Protein-binding test) 1.000 CZK

Microfluidic sperm sorting chips (MSSC) 4.000 CZK

Basic price of IVF with donated oocytes in a patient who meets the conditions for the reimbursement of an IVF cycle by the health insurance company. The basic price includes: consultation, treatment plan, stimulation drugs for the donor, IVF cycle monitoring, egg collection, embryo transfer – covered by health insurance. Oocyte fertilization using ICSI, extended cultivation and assisted hatching, medication needed to synchronize the cycle of the donor and the recipient, financial compensation for the donor 50.000 CZK

Preimplantation genetic screening (PGTA) of chromosome aneuploidy using a-CGH/NGS 1 embryo 8.000 CZK

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGTM) of chromosome translocations or monogenic diseases 1 embryo 10.000 CZK

Embryo biopsy for PGTA/PGTM – regardless of embryo count 10.000 CZK

Cryopreservation – vitrification of eggs + preservation for 1 year 15.000 CZK

Export of samples from the clinic at the patient’s request – administrative fee 2.500 CZK

Ultrasonic hysterosalpingography (US HSG) – fallopian tube occlusion test 2.500 CZK

Price list of services for self-payers

*SELF-PAYER - a person without a valid health insurance, or does not meet the conditions for payment for benefits from public health insurance

Intrauterine insemination with the partner’s sperm (IUI-AIH) 4.040 CZK

Complete semen analysis 800 CZK

Sperm DNA fragmentation test 2.680 CZK

Sperm MAR test 700 CZK

Basic price of IVF with donated oocytes. The basic price includes: consultation, treatment plan, stimulation drugs for the donor, IVF cycle monitoring, egg collection, ICSI egg fertilization, extended cultivation and assisted hatching, embryo transfer, medication needed to synchronize the cycle of the donor and the recipient, financial compensation for the donor 115.000 CZK

Complete IVF cycle 39.646 CZK

IVF cycle without ET 19.059 CZK

IVF cycle interrupted before egg collection 4.500 CZK

Anaesthesia – without reimbursement by the health insurance company 2.700 CZK

STD – sexually transmitted disease tests 2.000 CZK

Complete hormonal tests – FSH + LH + E2 + PRL + PRG + SHBG + testosterone + T3 + T4 + aTPO + TSH 2.100 CZK

Hormonal tests – FSH + LH + E2 + PRL + PRG + testosterone 1.100 CZK

Hormonal tests of thyroid hormones T3 + T4 + TSH + aTPO 800 CZK

Blood group + Rh factor 600 CZK

AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) 600 CZK


We will be glad to advise you, or you can directly ask for an appointment. Just call or write to us.


You can reach us via phone every working day from 7 AM to 3 PM.
Tel.: +420 737 470 924

Our offer

Kind and professional care for achieving a healthy pregnancy in a modern IVF clinic. We see every expectant mother or dad as an individual path to a new life and fulfilled happiness.

Infertility treatment

Be a happy mother. We will find the cause of infertility and establish an optimal treatment to achieve pregnancy.

Treatment methods


Get ready for a baby. We will examine you using several complex methods to diagnose and cure any problems in time.

Diagnostic methods


Avoid possible risks. We take care of the baby's health before it is born in the laboratory of reproductive genetics.

Genetic methods

More than 10,000 couples have chosen the care provided by our clinic, and we have helped more than 8,000 children into the world. We will be happy to see you at our clinic and help your happiness.